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Pay Per Click Services

Pay Per Click Services for Google and Yahoo

What is Pay Per Click and When Should it be Used?

Pay Per Click entails placing ads and paying for every user that clicks on your link. If using Pay Per Click, it should complement your Search Engine Optimization efforts.

The Search Engine Optimization process is never guaranteed and requires constant
work. Pay Per Click campaigns can compensate for hard to get keywords, unexpected drops in ranking, or when you want to quickly improve the "quality" of visitors to your site.

Pay Per Click is immediate and can be stopped, paused or modified, at any moment. Best of all, you are in full control of how much you want to spend for each keyword, position and click.

Our Pay Per Click services include:

  • develop & implement campaigns properly
  • review & optimize campaigns daily
  • provide bi-weekly reports, including ROI updates

We are trained by Google Adword and Overture experts to ensure we're up-to-date on the latest techniques for each system.