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Security & Privacy
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Items tagged with Security & Privacy

Cookies and Consent
You may have noticed that many web sites these days warn you that they are using cookies, often with a pop-up banner or dialog that interrupts your use of the site...
Can you trust your engagement stats?
Many organizations want to track detailed statistics about how their users consume their content, such as: Many web service organizations will provide engagement stats that attempt to satisfy this desire to look over users' shoulders and keep track of what they are doing...
The Pros and Cons of Different SSL Options
Website SSL provides a more secure way to interact with a website...
Do you have EU Citizens or Contacts in your database?
On May 25, 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into effect...
Google Drives The Internet: Technology Changes that Impact all Website Owners
Starting in January 2017, Google will be making aggressive changes in an effort to increase SSL adoption on the internet...