SEO Tips

Search Engine Optimization should be a standard component of any organization's marketing plan. Search Engine Optimization can be done in-house if you have the time and resources available. Here are a few tips to follow:

  • Understand the technologies that support web optimization. For example, websites designed all in Flash or use Framesets will negatively impact your search engine rankings.
  • Research the appropriate keywords for your marketplace. It is critical to understand what keywords/phrases people use to search for your type of products and services. Use and visit your competitors' sites.
  • Optimize your website HTML:
    • add HTML headers specific to each page
    • validate your HTML code
  • Understand the importance of your home page:
    • remove splash page and/or flash intros
    • include approximately 100 words
    • incorporate a site tree or text links off your home page
  • Have a content-rich site, if possible
  • Implement a Web Linking Strategy:
    • seach engines will rank you higher if other relevant third party sites link to you
    • manually implement web linking strategy

Remember: SEO should be part of every company's marketing plan. Long-term strategy can produce long-term payoff.

Warning: Companies that try to trick search engines can be blacklisted. Understand your vendor's philosophies and SEO strategies