We have seen many mistakes made by people and companies registering domains. Here are some tips to help you do it right, and avoid some common pitfalls.
Think "Keywords"
When picking a domain name, try to include some of the keywords that potential visitors might be searching for. It will help your site rank higher on the search engines.
Spell it Like it Sounds
A good domain name is one that you can tell to people, and they will know how to type it. The easier it is to spell, the easier it can be remembered and spread by word of mouth. Avoid difficult-to-spell words, words with multiple spellings, and hyphens.
Watch Out for Hidden Meaning
When picking a domain, watch out for letter combinations that may make an unintended word or phrase. Notorious examples include Therapist Finder therapistfinder.com, and Speed Of Art design speedofart.com. These are embarrassing, and can also run afoul of automated porn-blockers and spam filters.
Watch Out for Hidden Meaning – Part II
You may also want to check that your domain doesn't translate into something odd in Spanish, French or other languages. Even English has obscure words you may not know about.
Forget the Alternatives
When you register a .com, you really don't need to worry about also registering the corresponding domains in .net, .org, and .biz. Almost nobody will go to those domains, so in most cases you are just wasting time and money.
Register It Yourself
You want to make sure your domain is registered in your name or your company's, and the best way to ensure that is to register it yourself! If you leave it to a third party, there's a good chance they could end up owning the domain. Getting domain ownership right the first time is especially important with Canadian .ca domains, as changing ownership of a .ca requires costly legal paperwork.
Avoid the One-Stop Shops
Many domain registrars are also hosting companies, and offer package deals that combine registration with web hosting. Avoid them, as it's a case of putting all your eggs in one basket. It's better to keep the two roles separate – register with a dedicated registrar and host with a dedicated hosting provider. It gives you greater flexibility and you avoid getting locked in to one provider.
Don't Cheap Out
Registering a domain is not terribly expensive, so it's better to go to a reliable registrar that costs a bit more, than trying to save a few bucks and end up paying for it down the road. If your registrar ever goes out of business, then your domain could get tied up in technical and legal hassles for many months.
Print and Save
When you get to the part of the registration where they tell you to print out and save your domain login information, then PRINT OUT AND SAVE YOUR DOMAIN LOGIN INFORMATION. Whoever has this information has control over your website and email, and if you don't have this information, then you don't have control. Don't rely on password reminders, as they don't always work.
Watch Out for Scams
Once your domain is registered, be wary scams. If you receive an invoice to renew your domain, make sure it is actually from your domain registrar. You can also safely ignore emails from any company warning you that somebody is about to register a domain similar to yours, or offering to register variations of your domain for the Asian market.
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